Course in Computational Genomics
Projekty — 24.02.2019


Course in Computational Genomics

17 students from the Charles University (CUNI) and 2 trainees from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KULeuven) attended the MICOBION Computational Genomics course performed at CUNI by Marc van Ranst (KULeuven), Piet Maes (KULeuven), Joan Marti Carreras (KULeuven) and Jan Tachezy (CUNI) on February 13- 15th, 2019.

The course was focused on freely available tools under the Linux operation system for gene/protein sequence retrieval, alignments, structure prediction, genomic dataset assembly and analyses, and phylogenetic inference. “The main objective was to increase knowledge of young researchers in bioinformatics including big data analysis and their applications in the investigation of microbes,” said Jan Tachezy, MICOBION Project Leader.

Series of MICOBION courses is focused mainly on increase of theoretical knowledge and experimental experience via participation of PhD students and junior scientists in courses at KULeuven, European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), and Jacques Monod Institute in Paris.

The next course by KULeuven experts will be focus on single-molecule sequencing using Oxford Nanopore Technology MinION in April 2019.
