České centrum pro fenogenomiku

České centrum pro fenogenomiku

PD. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Radislav Sedláček

PD. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Radislav Sedláček — Vedoucí laboratoře

Ústav molekulární genetiky AV ČR

O nás

CCP poskytuje expertízu a servis biologické a lékařské komunitě, která se zabývá výzkumem funkce genů. Pochopení funkce genů je naprosto esenciální, aby studie založené na populační genetice a tzv. „genome-wide“ asociaci a výsledky komplexního sekvenování individuálních genomů pacientů mohly dostát příslibu vytvoření efektivní prevenční a personalizované léčby. To bude možné, pokud bude známá biologická role všech identifikovaných genů.


CCP poskytuje široké portfolio služeb genetického inženýrství, které zahrnuje tvorbu myších modelů nemocí, jejich kryo-archivaci a distribuci, pokročilé fenotypizační i zobrazovací metody, stejně jako chovy zvířecích modelů v podmínkách bez specifických patogenů.

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Rozman J, Rathkolb B, Oestereicher MA, Schütt C, Ravindranath AC, Leuchtenberger S, Sharma S, Kistler M, Willershäuser M, Brommage R, Meehan TF, Mason J, Haselimashhadi H; IMPC Consortium, Hough T, Mallon AM, Wells S, Santos L, Lelliott CJ, White JK, Sorg T, Champy MF, Bower LR, Reynolds CL, Flenniken AM, Murray SA, Nutter LMJ, Svenson KL, West D, Tocchini-Valentini GP, Beaudet AL, Bosch F, Braun RB, Dobbie MS, Gao X, Herault Y, Moshiri A, Moore BA, Kent Lloyd KC, McKerlie C, Masuya H, Tanaka N, Flicek P, Parkinson HE, Sedlacek R, Seong JK, Wang CL, Moore M, Brown SD, Tschöp MH, Wurst W, Klingenspor M, Wolf E, Beckers J, Machicao F, Peter A, Staiger H, Häring HU, Grallert H, Campillos M, Maier H, Fuchs H, Gailus-Durner V, Werner T, Hrabe de Angelis M. Identification of genetic elements in metabolism by high-throughput mouse phenotyping. Nat Commun. 2018 Jan 18;9(1):288. doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-01995-2.

Mucksová J, Chalupský K, Plachý J, Kalina J, Rachacová P, Stanek O, Trefil P. Simultaneous detection of chicken cytokines in plasma samples using the Bio-Plex assay. Poult Sci. 2018 Jan 11. doi: 10.3382/ps/pex411.

Popelář J, Rybalko N, Burianová J, Schwaller B, Syka J. The effect of parvalbumin deficiency on the acoustic startle response and prepulse inhibition in mice. Neurosci Lett. 2013 Oct 11 553:216-20. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2013.08.042. Epub 2013 Aug 30.


Zarska M, Sramek M, Novotny F, Havel F, Babelova A, Mrazkova B, Benada O, Reinis M, Stepanek I, Musilek K, Bartek J, Ursinyova M, Novak O, Dzijak R, Kuca K, Proska J, Hodny Z. Biological safety and tissue distribution of (16-mercaptohexadecyl)trimethylammonium bromide-modified cationic gold nanorods. Biomaterials. 2018;154:275-290.

Kostiv U, Rajsiglová L, Luptáková D, Pluháček T, Vannucci L, Havlíček V, Engstová H, Jirák D, Šlouf M, Makovicky P, Sedláček R , Horák D. Biodistribution of upconversion/magnetic silica-coated NaGdF4:Yb3+/Er3+ nanoparticles in mouse models. RSC Advances, 2017,7, 45997-46006. DOI: 10.1039/C7RA08712H

Peter Makovicky, Matlach R, Makovicky P, Svecova I, Samasca G. Injury of the brain and liver capillaries in lethal car accidents. Rom J Leg Med [25] 351-358 [2017]

Forte A, Grossi M, Bancone C, Cipollaro M, De Feo M, Hellstrand P, Persson L, Nilsson BO, Della Corte A: Polyamine concentration is increased in thoracic ascending aorta of patients with bicuspid aortic valve. Heart Vessels. 2017 Nov. doi: 10.1007/s00380-017-1087-z. [Epub ahead of print].

Mikyskova R, Indrova M, Stepanek I, Kanchev I, Bieblova J, Vosahlikova S, Moserova I, Truxova I, Fucikova J, Bartunkova J, Spisek R, Sedlacek R, Reinis M. Dendritic cells pulsed with tumor cells killed by high hydrostatic pressure inhibit prostate tumor growth in TRAMP mice. Oncoimmunology. 2017;6(12):e1362528.

Bhargava S, Cox B, Polydorou C, Gresakova V, Korinek V, Strnad H, Sedlacek R, Epp TA, Chawengsaksophak K. The epigenetic modifier Fam208a is required to maintain epiblast cell fitness. Sci Rep. 2017 Aug 24;7(1):9322. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-09490-w.

Makovicky P, Makovicky P, Lupan P, Samasca I, Sur G, Freeman G, James H. Perspective: Gluten-free products for patients with celiac disease should not contain trace levels. In: Advances in Nutrition, vol. 8, 2017, n. 3, pp. 409-411. ISSN: 2161-8313.

S Kim, J Prochazka, JO Bush. Live imaging of mouse secondary palate fusion. J. Vis. Exp. 2017. 125, e56041

Jirouskova M, Nepomucka K, Oyman-Eyrilmez G, Kalendova A, Havelkova H, Sarnova L, Chalupsky K, Schuster B, Benada O, Miksatkova P, Kuchar M, Fabian O, Sedlacek R, Wiche G, Gregor M. Plectin Controls Biliary Tree Architecture and Stability in Cholestasis. Hepatol. J Hepatol. 2017 Dec 19. pii: S0168-8278(17)32495-9.

Prochazkova M, Häkkinen TJ, Prochazka J, Spoutil F, Jheon AH, YAhn Y, Krumlauf R, Jernvall J, Klein OD. FGF Signaling Refines Wnt Gradients to Regulate Patterning of Taste Papillae. Development 2017 May 15. pii: dev.148080. doi: 10.1242/dev.148080.

Skopova K, Tomalova B, Kanchev I, Rossmann P, Svedova M, Adkins I, Bibova I, Tomala J, Masin J, Guiso N, Osicka R, Sedlacek R, Kovar M, Sebo P. cAMP-elevating capacity of the adenylate cyclase toxin-hemolysin is sufficient for lung infection but not for full virulence of Bordetella pertussis. Infect Immun. 2017 Apr 10. pii: IAI.00937-16. doi: 10.1128/IAI.00937-16.

Zbodakova O, Chalupsky K, Tureckova J, Sedlacek R. Metalloproteinases in liver fibrosis: current insights. Metalloproteinases In Medicine 2017:4 25–35 review, (in press)

Samasca G, Lerner A, Girbovan A, Sur G, Lupan I, Makovicky P. Matthias T, and Freeman HJ. Challenges in gluten-free diet in coeliac disease: Prague consensus. Eur J Clin Invest 2017; 47 (5): 394–397

Wald T, Spoutil F, Osickova A, Prochazkova M, Benada O, Kasparek P, Bumba L, Klein OD, Sedlacek R, Sebo P, Prochazka J, Osicka R. Intrinsically disordered proteins drive enamel formation via an evolutionarily conserved self-assembly motif. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2017 Feb 28;114(9):E1641-E1650.

Dong LF, Kovarova J, Bajzikova M, Bezawork-Geleta A, Svec D, Endaya B, Sachaphibulkij K, Coelho AR, Sebkova N, Ruzickova A, Tan AS, Kluckova K, Judasova K, Zamecnikova K, Rychtarcikova Z, Gopalan V, Andera L, Sobol M, Yan B, Pattnaik B, Bhatraju N, Truksa J, Stopka P, Hozak P, Lam AK, Sedlacek R, Oliveira PJ, Kubista M, Agrawal A, Dvorakova-Hortova K, Rohlena J, Berridge MV, Neuzil J. Horizontal transfer of whole mitochondria restores tumorigenic potential in mitochondrial DNA-deficient cancer cells. Elife. 2017 Feb 15;6. pii: e22187.

Kasparek P, Ileninova Z, Zbodakova O, Kanchev I, Benada O, Chalupsky K, Brattsand M, Beck IM, Sedlacek R. KLK5 and KLK7 Ablation Fully Rescues Lethality of Netherton Syndrome-Like Phenotype. PLoS Genet. 2017 Jan 17;13(1):e1006566.

Seipold L, Damme M, Prox J, Rabe B, Kasparek P, Sedlacek R, Altmeppen H, Willem M, Boland B, Glatzel M, Saftig P. Tetraspanin 3: A central endocytic membrane component regulating the expression of ADAM10, presenilin and the amyloid precursor protein. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2017 Jan;1864(1):217-230.


Makovicky P, Tumova E, Volek Z, Makovicky P, Sedlacek R. Relationships between variable time, percentage of food restriction and liver histology: which alternative is the best for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) prevention? Histol Histopathol. 2016 Feb 26:11741

Cole JB, Manyama M, Kimwaga E, Mathayo J, Larson JR, Liberton DK, Lukowiak K, Ferrara TM, Riccardi SL, Li M, Mio W, Prochazkova M, Williams T, Li H, Jones KL, Klein OD, Santorico SA, Hallgrimsson B, Spritz RA: Genomewide Association Study of African Children Identifies Association of SCHIP1 and PDE8A with Facial Size and Shape. PLoS Genet 2016 12(8): e1006174.

Dvořák J, Fajtová P, Ulrychová L, Leontovyč A, Rojo-Arreola L, Suzuki BM, Horn M, Mareš M, Craik CS, Caffrey CR, O’Donoghue AJ: Excretion/secretion products from Schistosoma mansoni adults, eggs and schistosomula have unique peptidase specificity profiles. Biochimie 2016 122: 99-109.

Hodny Z, Reinis M, Hubackova S, Vasicova P, Bartek J: Interferon gamma/NADPH oxidase defence system in immunity and cancer OncoImmunology 2016 5(2): 1-7. [doi]

Janečková L, Fafílek B, Krausová M, Horázná M, Vojtěchová M, Alberich-Jorda M, Šloncová E, Galušková K, Sedláček R, Anděrová M, Kořínek V: Wnt Signaling Inhibition Deprives Small Intestinal Stem Cells of Clonogenic Capacity. Genesis 2016 54(3): 101-14. [pubmed] [doi]

Šedová L, Pravenec M, Křenová D, Kazdová L, Zídek V, Krupková M, Liška F, Křen V, Šeda O: Isolation of a Genomic Region Affecting Most Components of Metabolic Syndrome in a Chromosome-16 Congenic Rat Model. PLoS One 2016 11(3): e0152708. [pubmed] [doi]

Vernerova L, Spoutil F, Vlcek M, Krskova K, Penesova A, Meskova M, Marko A, Raslova K, Vohnout B, Rovensky J, Killinger Z, Jochmanova I, Lazurova I, Steiner G, Smolen J, Imrich R. A Combination of CD28 (rs1980422) and IRF5 (rs10488631) Polymorphisms Is Associated with Seropositivity in Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Case Control Study. PLoS One. 2016 Apr 19;11(4):e0153316. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0153316. eCollection 2016.

Moudra A, Hubackova S, Machalova V, Vancurova M, Bartek J, Reinis M, Hodny Z, Jonasova A. Dynamic alterations of bone marrow cytokine landscape of myelodysplastic syndromes patients treated with 5-azacytidine. Oncoimmunology. 2016 May 13;5(10):e1183860.

Simova J, Sapega O, Imrichova T, Stepanek I, Kyjacova L, Mikyskova R, Indrova M, Bieblova J, Bubenik J, Bartek J, Hodny Z, Reinis M. Tumor growth accelerated by chemotherapy-induced senescent cells is suppressed by treatment with IL-12 producing cellular vaccines. Oncotarget. 2016 Jul 19. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.10712. [Epub ahead of print]

Fišerová A, Richter J, Čapková K, Bieblová J, Mikyšková R, Reiniš M, Indrová M. Resistance of novel mouse strains different in MHC class I and the NKC domain to the development of experimental tumors. Int J Oncol. 2016 Aug;49(2):763-72. doi: 10.3892/ijo.2016.3561.

Mikyšková R, Štěpánek I, Indrová M, Bieblová J, Šímová J, Truxová I, Moserová I, Fučíková J, Bartůňková J, Špíšek R, Reiniš M. Dendritic cells pulsed with tumor cells killed by high hydrostatic pressure induce strong immune responses and display therapeutic effects both in murine TC-1 and TRAMP-C2 tumors when combined with docetaxel chemotherapy. Int J Oncol. 2016 Mar;48(3):953-64. doi: 10.3892/ijo.2015.3314.

Hubackova S, Kucerova A, Michlits G, Kyjacova L, Reinis M, Korolov O, Bartek J, Hodny Z. IFNγ induces oxidative stress, DNA damage and tumor cell senescence via TGFβ/SMAD signaling-dependent induction of Nox4 and suppression of ANT2. Oncogene. 2016 Mar 10;35(10):1236-49. doi: 10.1038/onc.2015.162.

Kasparek P, Ileninova Z, Haneckova R, Kanchev I, Jenickova I, Sedlacek R. A viable mouse model for Netherton syndrome based on mosaic inactivation of the Spink5 gene. Biol Chem. 2016 Dec 1;397(12):1287-1292. doi: 10.1515/hsz-2016-0194.

Jankovicova J, Frolikova M, Sebkova N, Simon M, Cupperova P, Lipcseyova D, Michalkova K, Horovska L, Sedlacek R, Stopka P, Antalikova J, Dvorakova-Hortova K. Characterization of tetraspanin protein CD81 in mouse spermatozoa and bovine gametes. Reproduction. 2016 Dec;152(6):785-793.

Vrbacký M, Kovalčíková J, Chawengsaksophak K, Beck IM, Mráček T, Nůsková H, Sedmera D, Papoušek F, Kolář F, Sobol M, Hozák P, Sedlacek R, Houštěk J. Knockout of Tmem70 alters biogenesis of ATP synthase and leads to embryonal lethality in mice. Hum Mol Genet. 2016 Aug 31. pii: ddw295. [Epub ahead of print]

Balcova M, Faltusova B, Gergelits V, Bhattacharyya T, Mihola O, Trachtulec Z, Knopf C, Fotopulosova V, Chvatalova I, Gregorova S, Forejt J. Hybrid Sterility Locus on Chromosome X Controls Meiotic Recombination Rate in Mouse. PLoS Genet. 2016 Apr 22;12(4):e1005906. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1005906.

Forejt J. Genetics: Asymmetric breaks in DNA cause sterility. Nature. 2016 Feb 11;530(7589):167-8. doi: 10.1038/nature16870.

Müller M, Wetzel S, Köhn-Gaone J, Chalupsky K, Lüllmann-Rauch R, Barikbin R, Bergmann J, Wöhner B, Zbodakova O, Leuschner I, Gregor M, Tiegs G, Rose-John S, Sedlacek R, Tirnitz-Parker JE, Saftig P, Schmidt-Arras D A disintegrin and metalloprotease 10 (ADAM10) is a central regulator of murine liver tissue homeostasis. Oncotarget. 2016 Apr 5;7(14):17431-41. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.7836.

Du W, Prochazka J, Prochazkova M, Klein OD. Expression of FGFs during early mouse tongue development. Gene Expr Patterns. 2016 Mar;20(2):81-7. doi: 10.1016/j.gep.2015.12.003.

Kubik-Zahorodna A, Schuster B, Kanchev I, Sedláček R. Neurological Deficits of an Rps19(Arg67del) Model of Diamond-Blackfan Anaemia. Folia Biol (Praha) 2016;62(4):139-47.


Prochazka J, Prochazkova M, Du W, Spoutil F, Tureckova J, Hoch R, Shimogori T, Sedlacek R, Rubenstein JL, Wittmann T, Klein OD. Migration of Founder Epithelial Cells Drives Proper Molar Tooth Positioning and Morphogenesis. Dev Cell. 2015 Dec 21;35(6):713-24. doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2015.11.025.

Brauer R, Tureckova J, Kanchev I, Khoylou M, Skarda J, Prochazka J, Spoutil F, Beck IM, Zbodakova O, Kasparek P, Korinek V, Chalupsky K, Karhu T, Herzig KH, Hajduch M, Gregor M, Sedlacek R. MMP-19 deficiency causes aggravation of colitis due to defects in innate immune cell function. Mucosal Immunol. 2015 Nov 11. doi: 10.1038/mi.2015.117.

Petrezselyova S, Kinsky S, Truban D, Sedlacek R, Burtscher I, Lickert H. Homology Arms of Targeting Vectors for Gene Insertions and Crispr/Cas9 Technology: Size Does Not Matter; Quality Control of Targeted Clones Does. Cell Mol Biol Lett. 2015 Nov 5. doi: 10.1515/cmble-2015-0047.

Baker CL, Petkova P, Walker M, Flachs P, Mihola O, Trachtulec Z, Petkov PM, Paigen K. Multimer Formation Explains Allelic Suppression of PRDM9 Recombination Hotspots. PLoS Genet. 2015 Sep 14;11(9):e1005512. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1005512. eCollection 2015 Sep.

Machon O, Masek J, Machonova O, Krauss S, Kozmik Z. Meis2 is essential for cranial and cardiac neural crest development. BMC Dev Biol. 2015 Nov 6;15(1):40. doi: 10.1186/s12861-015-0093-6.

Kropáčková L, Piálek J, Gergelits V, Forejt J, Reifová R. Maternal-foetal genomic conflict and speciation: no evidence for hybrid placental dysplasia in crosses between two house mouse subspecies. J Evol Biol. 2015 Mar;28(3):688-98. doi: 10.1111/jeb.12602. Epub 2015 Mar 6.

Jansa P, Homolka D, Blatny R, Mistrik M, Bartek J, Forejt J. Dosage compensation of an aneuploid genome in mouse spermatogenic cells. Biol Reprod. 2014 Jun;90(6):124. doi: 10.1095/biolreprod.114.118497. Epub 2014 Apr 30.

Fabian P, Kozmikova I, Kozmik Z, Pantzartzi CN. Pax2/5/8 and Pax6 alternative splicing events in basal chordates and vertebrates: a focus on paired box domain. Front Genet. 2015 Jul 2;6:228. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2015.00228. eCollection 2015.

Janeckova L, Pospichalova V, Fafilek B, Vojtechova M, Tureckova J, Dobes J, Dubuissez M, Leprince D, Baloghova N, Horazna M, Hlavata A, Stancikova J, Sloncova E, Galuskova K, Strnad H, Korinek V. HIC1 Tumor Suppressor Loss Potentiates TLR2/NF-κB Signaling and Promotes Tissue Damage-Associated Tumorigenesis. Mol Cancer Res. 2015 Jul;13(7):1139-48. doi: 10.1158/1541-7786.MCR-15-0033. Epub 2015 May 1.

Klimova L, Antosova B, Kuzelova A, Strnad H, Kozmik Z. Onecut1 and Onecut2 transcription factors operate downstream of Pax6 to regulate horizontal cell development. Dev Biol. 2015 Jun 1;402(1):48-60. doi: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2015.02.023. Epub 2015 Mar 18.

Fujimura N, Klimova L, Antosova B, Smolikova J, Machon O, Kozmik Z. Genetic interaction between Pax6 and β-catenin in the developing retinal pigment epithelium. Dev Genes Evol. 2015 Apr;225(2):121-8. doi: 10.1007/s00427-015-0493-4. Epub 2015 Feb 18.

Chalupsky K, Kračun D, Kanchev I, Bertram K, Görlach A. Folic Acid Promotes Recycling of Tetrahydrobiopterin and Protects Against Hypoxia-Induced Pulmonary Hypertension by Recoupling Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase. Antioxid Redox Signal. 2015 Nov 10;23(14):1076-91. doi: 10.1089/ars.2015.6329. Epub 2015 Nov 5.

Kaspar P, Zikova M, Bartunek P, Sterba J, Strnad H, Kren L, Sedlacek R. The Expression of c-Myb Correlates with the Levels of Rhabdomyosarcoma-specific Marker Myogenin. Sci Rep. 2015 Oct 14;5:15090. doi: 10.1038/srep15090.

Hodny Z, Reinis M, Hubackova S, Vasicova P, Bartek J. Interferon gamma/NADPH oxidase defense system in immunity and cancer. Oncoimmunology. 2015 Sep 1;5(2):e1080416.

Šlachtová L, Šeda O, Behúňová J, Mistrík M, Martásek P. (2015): Genetic and biochemical study of Dual hereditary jaundice: Dubin-Johnson & Gilbert syndrome. Haplotyping and founder effect of deletion in ABCC2. Eur J Hum Genet Sep 9. doi: 10.1038/ejhg.2015.181

Tomková M, Panda S, Šeda O, Baxová A, Pejznochová M, Masters BSS, Martásek P. Genetic variations in cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase in Czech Slavic population. Pharmacogenomics 16(3):205-15.

El Bikai R, Tahir R, Tremblay J, Joffres M, Šeda O, Sedova L, Awadalla P, Laberge C, Knoppers B-M, Dumas P, Gaudet D, Ste-Marie L-G, Hamet P (2015): Association of age-dependent height and bone mineral density decline with increased arterial stiffness and rate of fractures in hypertensive subjects. J Hypertension 33(4):727-35.

INFRAFRONTIER–providing mutant mouse resources as research tools for the international scientific community. INFRAFRONTIER Consortium. Nucleic Acids Res. 2015 Jan;43 (Database issue):D1171-5. doi: 10.1093/nar/gku1193. Epub 2014 Nov 20.

Song JG, Kostan J, Drepper F, Knapp B, de Almeida Ribeiro E Jr, Konarev PV, Grishkovskaya I, Wiche G, Gregor M, Svergun DI, Warscheid B, Djinović-Carugo K. Structural insights into Ca2+-calmodulin regulation of Plectin 1a-integrin β4 interaction in hemidesmosomes. Structure. 2015 Mar 3;23(3):558-70. doi: 10.1016/j.str.2015.01.011. Epub 2015 Feb 19.


Vlková V, Štěpánek I, Hrušková V, Šenigl F, Mayerová V, Šrámek M, Šímová J, Bieblová J, Indrová M, Hejhal T, Dérian N, Klatzmann D, Six A, Reiniš M. Epigenetic regulations in the IFNγ signalling pathway: IFNγ-mediated MHC class I upregulation on tumour cells is associated with DNA demethylation of antigen-presenting machinery genes. Oncotarget. 2014 Aug 30;5(16):6923-35.

Mikysková R, Indrová M, Vlková V, Bieblová J, Símová J, Paracková Z, Pajtasz-Piasecka E, Rossowska J, Reinis M. DNA demethylating agent 5-azacytidine inhibits myeloid-derived suppressor cells induced by tumor growth and cyclophosphamide treatment. J Leukoc Biol. 2014 Jan 3. [Epub ahead of print]

Beck IM, Sedlacek R. TT2014 meeting report on the 12th Transgenic Technology meeting in Edinburgh: new era of transgenic technologies with programmable nucleases in the foreground. Transgenic Res. 2015 Feb;24(1):179-83. doi: 10.1007/s11248-014-9856-2. Epub 2014 Dec 5

Stancikova J, Krausova M, Kolar M, Fafilek B, Svec J, Sedlacek R, Neroldova M, Dobes J, Horazna M, Janeckova L, Vojtechova M, Oliverius M, Jirsa M, Korinek V. NKD1 marks intestinal and liver tumors linked to aberrant Wnt signaling. Cell Signal. 2015 Feb;27(2):245-56. doi: 10.1016/j.cellsig.2014.11.008. Epub 2014 Nov 14.

Hodúlová M, Šedová L, Křenová D, Liška F, Krupková M, Kazdová L, Tremblay J, Hamet P, Křen V, Šeda O. Genomic determinants of triglyceride and cholesterol distribution into lipoprotein fractions in the rat. PLoS One. 2014 Oct 8;9(10):e109983. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0109983. eCollection 2014. PubMed PMID: 25296178; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4190321

Michaela Krupková, František Liška, Lucie Šedová, Drahomíra Křenová, Vladimír Křen and Ondřej Šeda. Pharmacogenomic analysis of retinoic-acid induced dyslipidemia in congenic rat model. Lipids in Health and Disease 2014, 13:172 doi:10.1186/1476-511X-13-172

Prukova D, Ileninova Z, Antosova B, Kasparek P, Gregor M, Sedlacek R. Transgenic reporter mice with promoter region of murine LRAT specifically marks lens and meiosis spermatocytes. Physiol Res. 2014 Oct 15.

Petr Kasparek, Michaela Krausova, Radka Haneckova, Vitezslav Kriz, Olga Zbodakova, Vladimir Korinek, Radislav Sedlacek. Efficient gene targeting of the Rosa26 locus in mouse zygotes using TALE nucleases. FEBS Letters, Vol. 588, Issue 21. doi: 10.1016/j.febslet.2014.09.014

Jansa, P., Homolka, D, Blatny, R., Mistrik, M., Bartek, J., Forejt, J.: Gene Dosage Compensation in Spermatogenic Cells. Biol Reprod. 2014 Jun;90(6):124. doi: 10.1095/biolreprod.114.118497. Epub 2014 Apr 30.

Klinovska K, Sebkova N2, Dvorakova-Hortova K. Sperm-egg fusion: a molecular enigma of Mammalian reproduction. Int J Mol Sci. 2014 Jun 13;15(6):10652-68. doi: 10.3390/ijms150610652.

Dvorakova-Hortova K, Sidlova A, Ded L, Hladovcova D, Vieweg M, Weidner W, Steger K, Stopka P, Paradowska-Dogan A. Toxoplasma gondii Decreases the Reproductive Fitness in Mice. PLoS One. 2014 Jun 18;9(6):e96770. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0096770. eCollection 2014.

Dluhosova M, Curik N, Vargova J, Jonasova A, Zikmund T, Stopka T. Epigenetic control of SPI1 gene by CTCF and ISWI ATPase SMARCA5. PLoS One. 2014 Feb 3;9(2):e87448. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0087448. eCollection 2014

Chalupnikova K, Solc P, Sulimenko V, Sedlacek R, Svoboda P. An oocyte-specific ELAVL2 isoform is a translational repressor ablated from meiotically competent antral oocytes. Cell Cycle. 2014 Apr 1;13(7):1187-200. doi: 10.4161/cc.28107. Epub 2014 Feb 11

Flemr M, Moravec M, Libova V, Sedlacek R, Svoboda P. Lin28a Is Dormant, Functional, and Dispensable During Mouse Oocyte-to-Embryo Transition. Biol Reprod. 2014 May 14. pii: biolreprod.114.118703.

Harten SK, Bruxner TJ, Bharti V, Blewitt M, Nguyen TM, Whitelaw E, Epp T. The first mouse mutants of D14Abb1e (Fam208a) show that it is critical for early development. Mamm Genome. 2014 Apr 30.

Bhattacharyya T, Reifova R, Gregorová S, Šimeček P, Gergelits V, Mistrik M, Martincova I, Pialek J, Forejt J: X Chromosome Control of Meiotic Chromosome Synapsis in Mouse Inter-Subspecific Hybrids PLoS Genet 2014.

Flachs P, Bhattacharyya T, Mihola O, Piálek J, Forejt J, Trachtulec Z: Prdm9 incompatibility controls oligospermia and delayed fertility but no selfish transmission in mouse intersubspecific hybrids. PLoS One 2014 9(4): e95806

Klímová L, Kozmik Z: Stage-dependent requirement of neuroretinal Pax6 for lens and retina development. Development 2014.

Krausová M, Kořínek V: Wnt signaling in adult intestinal stem cells and cancer. Cell Signal 2014 26(3): 570-579.

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Sperrhacke M, Fischer J, Wu Z, Kluender S, Sedláček R, Schroeder JM, Meyer-Hoffert U, Reiss K: LEKTI2 stimulates metalloprotease/EGFR-dependent keratinocyte migration via purinergic receptor activation. J Invest Dermatol 2014.


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Buryova H, Chalupsky K, Zbodakova O, Kanchev I, Jirouskova M, Gregor M, Sedlacek R. Liver protective effect of ursodeoxycholic acid includes regulation of ADAM17 activity. BMC Gastroenterol. 2013 Oct 30;13(1):155.
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Fafilek B, Krausova M, Vojtechova M, Pospichalova V, Tumova L, Sloncova E, Huranova M, Stancikova J, Hlavata A, Svec J, Sedlacek R, Luksan O, Oliverius M, Voska L, Jirsa M, Paces J, Kolar M, Krivjanska M, Klimesova K, Tlaskalova-Hogenova H, Korinek V: Troy, a Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Family Member, Interacts With Lgr5 to Inhibit Wnt Signaling in Intestinal Stem Cells. Gastroenterology 2012.

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Jirouskova M, Zbodakova O, Gregor M, Chalupsky K, Sarnova L, Hajduch M, Ehrmann J, Jirkovska M, Sedlacek R: Hepatoprotective Effect of MMP-19 Deficiency in a Mouse Model of Chronic Liver Fibrosis. PLoS One 2012 7(10): e46271.

Kasparek P, Krenek P, Buryova H, Suchanova S, Beck IM, Sedlacek R: Transgenic mouse model expressing tdTomato under involucrin promoter as a tool for analysis of epidermal differentiation and wound healing. Transgenic Res 2012 21(3): 683-9.

Kollmus H, Post R, Brielmeier M, Fernández J, Fuchs H, McKerlie C, Montoliu L, Otaegui PJ, Rebelo M, Riedesel H, Ruberte J, Sedlacek R, de Angelis MH, Schughart K: Structural and functional concepts in current mouse phenotyping and archiving facilities. J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci 2012 51(4): 418-35.

Dzur-Gejdosova M, Simecek P, Gregorova S, Bhattacharyya T, Forejt J.: Dissecting the genetic architecture of F1 hybrid sterility in house mice. Evolution. 2012 Nov;66(11):3321-35.
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Laššuthová P, Gregor M, Sarnová L, Machalová E, Sedláček R, Seeman P: Clinical, In Silico, and Experimental Evidence for Pathogenicity of Two Novel Splice Site Mutations in the SH3TC2 Gene. J Neurogenet 2012 26(3-4): 413-20.


PD. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Radislav Sedláček PD. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Radislav Sedláček

PD. Dr. rer. nat. habil.
Radislav Sedláček

Ředitel, České centrum pro fenogenomiku

Mgr. Gizela Koubková, Ph.D.

Gizela Koubková, Ph.D.

Vědecký asistent; Systematická fenotypizace myších a potkaních mutantních modelů k anotaci funkce genů
