V centru BIOCEV se uskuteční akce 6th Biannual Meeting on Mitochondria, Apoptosis & Cancer
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Dear participants,
On behalf of the Local Organising Committee, I would like to welcome you, from the bottom of my heart at the 6th Mitochondria, Apoptosis and Cancer 2019 (aka MAC’19) conference held in Vestec, Prague-West, on September 17-20, 2019. In 2017, MAC’17 was held in Bled, Slovenia, and I thought at that stage that we will have one more MAC conference, in Prague in 2019, and ‘wrap it all up’. However, it became clearly obvious that there was interest to organise future MAC conferences. So MAC’19 in Prague is definitely not the last one. Anyway, it is a bit special, since it is 10 years since we organised the first MAC conference, MAC’09 – here in Prague. Instead being a ‘one off’, MAC’09 developed into a series of biannual meetings, where the ‘obvious suspects’, i.e. those who participate in all conferences of this series (or most) are regularly joined by ‘new kids on the block’, those who take part in one of the meetings and then become regular attendees, expanding the MAC family.
For MAC’19, we planned to organise the conference in a chateau near Prague, but from logistical reasons we switched to the BIOCEV research centre (biocev.eu). This is a brand new campus accommodating several institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences and departments of the Faculty of Science and 1st Medical Faculty of the Charles University, with world-class facilities and excellent conference venue. The place is only a stone-throw from the limits of the city of Prague, so all participants will have ample possibilities to enjoy the beauty of the UNESCO-listed historical city of Prague, with its numerous palaces and churches, dominated by the Castle of Prague. This should be also accentuated by the gala dinner that will be somewhat ‘undulating’, as you will experience.
As in the previous MAC conferences, we have put together a very nice programme, highlighted by three keynote talks given by top researchers, Matthew Vander Heiden, Mike Murphy and Antonio Enriquez. There will be several plenary presentations given by experts in the field as well as some 30 plus long and short talks, including those given by early career researchers and advanced PhD students to showcase the talent participating in the MAC conferences. The topics of MAC’19 are diverse, ranging from cell death mechanisms, via mitochondrial function and tumour environment, to intercellular transfer of mitochondria. The programme of the conference documents that the MAC meetings go from strength to strength, and also reflect the trends in the field of research, including translational aspects of basic science.
We are pretty sure that you will enjoy the conference, both from the scientific and social point of view, and enjoy your visit to the beautiful City of Prague. It is our hope that new friendships and collaborations will be formed. So, welcome to Prague to MAC’19, for the 10th anniversary of the series.
Prof Jiri (Jirka) Neuzil
Griffith University,
Southport, Qld , Australia
Institute of Biotechnology, CAS
BIOCEV, Prague-West, Czech Republic
More info HERE