Centre of Molecular Structure
Charles University awarded honorary doctorate to Prof. Joel L Sussman from the Weizmann Institute of Science
Israeli biologist Joel L. Sussman (member of the BIOCEV International scientific board) received the honorary doctorate, doctor honoris causa, for outstanding lifelong scientific achievements in the Great Hall of the historic Carolina building.
Prof. Joel L. Sussman is a pioneer of macromolecular improvement. In his research, he also focused on nervous system proteins, especially acetylcholinesterase, a key protein involved in the transmission of nerve signals. He is the Director of the Structural Proteomic Center in Israel and Professor of the Department of Structural Biology at the Weizmann Institute of Science (WIS).
The WIS successfully cooperates with the BIOCEV center, including the Faculty of Science and the 1st Faculty of Medicine of Charles University. The latest result of this cooperation with BIOCEV was a new powerful X-ray system at the Weizmann Institute, equipped with an anode source based on flowing liquid metal and a pixel detector.
"It was an extraordinary ceremony and the tradition of Charles University was pervasive. I think it is important for the world that there is such a place. We have worked with Professor Zima a lot since he became president of FEBS (The Federation of European Biochemical Societies), where I was president last year. I have known him for many years and he is a truly amazing person," said prof. Sussman after the ceremony.
Source: Charles University