Intermolecular Recognition of Proteins and Nucleic Acids

Intermolecular Recognition of Proteins and Nucleic Acids

prof. Ing. Bohdan Schneider, CSc., DSc

prof. Ing. Bohdan Schneider, CSc., DSc — Project head

The Institute of Biotechnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences

About us

The aim of the project is to understand the interactions of proteins and nucleic acids, discriminate between their specific and nonspecific interactions, and study possible specific modifications of their affinity or specificity.

The project has a close collaboration with the Structural Bioinformatics of Proteins project, the proteins studied are mainly those of the immune system, especially cytokines.



  • Explanation of the specificity of interactions of proteins and nucleic acids by analysis of thermodynamic, kinetic, and structural data
  • Modification of the interacting partners with the goal to modify specificity and affinity of the complex formation

More information on the project can be found at





Jiri Cerny, Lada Biedermannova, Pavel Mikulecky, Jiri Zahradnik, Tatsiana Charnavets, Peter Sebo & Bohdan Schneider: Redesigning protein cavities as a strategy for increasing affinity in protein-protein interaction. Interferon-Îł receptor 1 as a model. BioMed Research International 2015: 716945 (2015). doi: 10.1155/2015/716945.

Tatsiana Charnavets, Jaroslav Nunvar, Iva Necasova, Jens Voelker, Kenneth J. Breslauer & Bohdan Schneider: Conformational Diversity of Single-stranded DNA from Bacterial Repetitive Extragenic Palindromes: Implications for the DNA Recognition Elements of Transposases. Biopolymers, in press (2015). doi: 10.1002/bip.22666.


Bohdan Schneider, Jean-Christophe Gelly, Alexandre G. de Brevern & Jiri Cerny: Local dynamics of proteins and DNA evaluated from crystallographic B-factors. Acta Crystallographica D 70: 2413 (2014). doi:10.1107/S1399004714014631.

Bohdan Schneider, Jiri Cerny, Daniel Svozil, Petr Cech, Jean-Christophe Gelly & Alexandre G. de Brevern: Bioinformatic analysis of the protein/DNA interface. Nucleic Acids Res. 42, 3381-3394 (2014). doi: 10.1093/nar/gkt1273.


prof. Ing. Bohdan Schneider, CSc., DSc prof. Ing. Bohdan Schneider, CSc., DSc

prof. Ing.
Bohdan Schneider, CSc., DSc

Director, Institute of Biotechnology CAS,
Head of Structural Biology and Protein Engineering Program,
Head of the Intermolecular Recognition of Proteins and Nucleic Acids Group
Gustavo Fuertes Vives Gustavo Fuertes Vives

Gustavo Fuertes Vives

Junior Researcher and Head of Program “Dynamics of Biological Processes”