Science is not stereotypical kind of job. I enjoy working in a team.
Education — 01.04.2021

PhD Programme

Science is not stereotypical kind of job. I enjoy working in a team.

Maroš Huličiak works in the Laboratory of Biomolecular Recognition under the supervision of prof. Bohdan Schneider. In his study, he focuses on interactions that support the specific recognition of biomolecules with potential diagnostic, medical or biotechnological applications.

What PhD research project in BIOCEV are you participated in?

I participate in a project that deals with the study of medically important cytokines, specifically interleukins and their receptors. We use protein engineering methods to develop small binding molecules that specifically bind to selected types of cytokines and try to modulate their biological activity. I work in the Laboratory of Biomolecular Recognition under the supervision of prof. Bohdan Schneider. The supervisor of my dissertation is Dr. Pavel Mikulecký.

What is so exciting about science? 

I enjoy working in a team and I also like that this work is never stereotypical. I was brought to science by my older brother, who studied biophysics. I was already interested in biology while I was in elementary school and I am very glad that I continued to study it.

What do you think are the benefits of working or studying at the BIOCEV center?

In my opinion, the biggest advantage of working at BIOCEV is the great availability of technology and experts "under one roof". We have a well-equipped Center of Molecular Structure, Imaging Methods Core Facility and also other laboratories. Undoubtedly, another advantage I see is a really great team, not only in our laboratories. I would definitely recommend the BIOCEV to other students as well - it is a great background for young scientists.
