Recent publications


Sutak R, Hrdy I, Dolezal P, Cabala R, Sedinová M, Lewin J, Harant K, Müller M, Tachezy J. Secondary alcohol dehydrogenase catalyzes the reduction of exogenous acetone to 2-propanol in Trichomonas vaginalis. FEBS J. 2012


Sutak R, Slapeta J, San R M, Camadro J M and Lesuisse E (2010) Nonreductive Iron Uptake Mechanism in the Marine Alveolate Chromera Velia. Plant Physiol 154:991-1000.


Whitnall M, Rahmanto Y S, Sutak R, Xu X, Becker E M, Mikhael M R, Ponka P and Richardson D R (2008) The MCK Mouse Heart Model of Friedreich’s Ataxia: Alterations in Iron-Regulated Proteins and Cardiac Hypertrophy Are Limited by Iron Chelation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 105:9757-9762.

Sutak R, Lesuisse E, Tachezy J and Richardson D R (2008) Crusade for Iron: Iron Uptake in Unicellular Eukaryotes and Its Significance for Virulence. Trends Microbiol 16:261-268.