Events — BIOCEV 16.02.2023 BIOCEV Seminar: Evolution of enamel matrix proteins is reflected by pleiotropy of physiological functions
Events — BIOCEV 26.01.2023 BIOCEV Seminar: Trabd2b sustains the balance between Wnt and Shh signaling gradients during mouse head and brain development
Events — Online 25.01.2023 The 13th Structural Biology Club of the Czech Society for Structural Biology
Events — BIOCEV 19.01.2023 BIOCEV Seminar: Miro1 regulates the horizontal transfer of mitochondria in cancer
Events — BIOCEV 12.01.2023 BIOCEV Seminar: ISWI ATPase Smarca5 (Snf2h) is indispensable determinant of lymphoid skewing during stem cell repopulation
Events — BIOCEV 22.12.2022 BIOCEV Seminar: Intratumoral therapy based on the poly(I:C) and anti-CD40 biomolecules
Events — BIOCEV 08.12.2022 BIOCEV Lecture: C-type lectin-like proteins in interactions; account of the human LLT1:NKR-P1 interaction pair
Events — BIOCEV 01.12.2022 BIOCEV Seminar: Directed evolution of proteins targeting human IL-6/IL-6 receptor system
Events — BIOCEV 24.11.2022 Lecture: Role of reactive oxygen species in metabolic remodeling during Trypanosoma brucei differentiation
Events — BIOCEV 22.11.2022 CANCELED!! MICOBION Lecture: The Nose Knows: Chemosensory Mechanisms of Conspecific Communication