Events — BIOCEV 13.12.2018 Seminar: Structural Bioinformatics integrated with Molecular Biology, are we there yet
Events — Faculty of Science, CUNI 04.12.2018 MICOBION Lecture - Endosymbionts of termite gut flagellates: Examples of convergent evolution
Events — Olomouc, Czech Rep. 19.11.2018 Conference - XIV. Diagnostic, Predictive and Experimental Oncology Days
Events — Institute of Physiology 05.11.2018 Lecture: Non-stop trypanosomes: why would you reassign all three stop codons?
Events — BIOCEV 31.10.2018 Exosomes as miR-126 delivery vehicles :possible implications in cancer therapy
Events — BIOCEV 30.10.2018 Analysis of the epigenome in complex diseases: From Genome-Wide screens to whole-genome and targeted high-throughput analyses