Mgr. Pavel Doležal, Ph.D.

Mgr. Pavel Doležal, Ph.D.

The Faculty of Science of the Charles University
Head of Group Mechanisms for Transport of Proteins through Mitochondrial and Bacterial Membranes

His young group studies mitochondrial biogenesis and protein transport across biological membranes. The main focus of his research is the origin, evolution and regulation of protein transport into mitochondria. Mitochondria are key organelles of energy metabolism. At the same time, they are involved in programmed cell death. At the same time, the evolutionary affinity of mitochondria with bacteria allows the study of bacterial secretion processes, with emphasis on intracellular pathogens.

Recent publications


King NP, Newton P, Schuelein R, Brown DL, Petru M, Zarsky V, Dolezal P, Luo L, Bugarcic A, Stanley AC, Murray RZ, Collins BM, Teasdale RD, Hartland EL, Stow JL. Soluble NSF attachment protein receptor molecular mimicry by a Legionella pneumophila Dot/Icm effector. Cell Microbiol. 2015


Zubacova Z, Novak L, Bublikova J, Vacek V, Fousek J, Ridl J, Tachezy J, Dolezal P, Vlcek C, Hampl V. The mitochondrion-like organelle of Trimastix pyriformis contains the complete glycine cleavage system. PLoS One 2013


Zarsky V, Tachezy J, Dolezal P. Tom40 is likely common to all mitochondria. Curr Biol. 2012

Sutak R, Hrdy I, Dolezal P, Cabala R, Sedinová M, Lewin J, Harant K, Müller M, Tachezy J. Secondary alcohol dehydrogenase catalyzes the reduction of exogenous acetone to 2-propanol in Trichomonas vaginalis. FEBS J. 2012

Martincova E, Voleman L, Najdrova V, De Napoli M, Eshar S, Gualdron M, Hopp CS, Sanin DE, Tembo DL, Van Tyne D, Walker D, Marcincikova M, Tachezy J, Dolezal P. Live imaging of mitosomes and hydrogenosomes by HaloTag technology. PLoS One 2012

Dolezal P, Aili M, Naderer T, Tong J, Jiang J-H, Marobbio CMT, Lee SF, Schuelein R, Belluzzo S, Binova E, Mousnier, Frankel G, Giannuzzi G, Palmieri F, Gabriel K, Hartland EL and Lithgow T. Legionella secretes a novel carrier protein across four membranes into mitochondria. PLoS Pathogens 2012


Gebert N, Gebert M, Oeljeklaus S, von der Malsburg K, Stroud DA, Kulawiak B,Wirth C, Zahedi RP, Dolezal P, Wiese S, Simon O, Schulze-Specking A, Truscott KN, Sickmann A, Rehling P, Guiard B, Hunte C, Warscheid B, van der Laan M, Pfanner N,Wiedemann N. Dual Function of Sdh3 in the Respiratory Chain and TIM22 Protein Translocase of the Mitochondrial Inner Membrane. Mol Cell. 2011

Alcock F, Webb CT, Dolezal P, Hewitt V, Shingu-Vasquez M, Likic VA, Traven A, Lithgow T. A Small Tim Homohexamer in the Relict Mitochondrion of Cryptosporidium. Mol Biol Evol. 2011

Tong J, Dolezal P, Selkrig J, Crawford S, Simpson AG, Noinaj N, Buchanan SK, Gabriel K, Lithgow T. Ancestral and derived protein import pathways in the mitochondrion of Reclinomonas americana. Mol Biol Evol. 2011


Likic VA, Dolezal P, Celik N, Dagley M, Lithgow T. Using hidden markov models to discover new protein transport machines. Methods Mol Biol. 2010

Dolezal P, Dagley MJ, Kono M, Wolynec P, Likić VA, Foo JH, Sedinová M, Tachezy J, Bachmann A, Bruchhaus I, Lithgow T. The essentials of protein import in the degenerate mitochondrion of Entamoeba histolytica. PLoS Pathog. 2010