FEBS Practical Course "Hydrodynamic and thermodynamic analysis of biological macromolecules and their interactions"
Measuring and quantifying molecular interactions are increasing demands in the biological community in response to the explosion of information coming from the application of high-throughput methods to various problems. The opening of the field of biophysical measurements to new users creates the need for basic and advanced training courses covering fundamental knowledge of the instrumental methods, practice in setting-up and performing experiments, and data analysis and interpretation.
The practical course included:
- General presentations and round table discussions emphasizing and illustrating the benefits of transverse approaches
- Theoretical presentations of the techniques, including practical advices for setting up an experiment, possible trouble shooting
- Practical demonstrations for four groups of six students; each group following all the demos
- Data analysis: basics and in-depth focus on SEDFIT/SEDPHAT which are freely available programs developed by Peter Schuck that are extensively used all over the world and allow multi-method global data analysis
- Parallel sessions focused on special topics regarding advanced data analysis
- Individual one-on-one training sessions with the tutors enabling discussion of data analysis of the students’ own data
- Short-talks from students selected from the list of abstracts for poster session
More info HERE