Events — Prague Congress Centre 13.08.2021 25th Congress of the International Union of Crystallography
Events — NIMH, Klecany, Czech Republic 24.06.2021 International Researchers' Meetup - Welcome Office of Central Bohemian Innovation Center
Events — Kladno, Czech Republic 17.06.2021 11th Student Scientific Conference - Instruments and Methods for Biology and Medicine
Events — BIOCEV 03.06.2021 Lecture: The role of protein redox signalling in cellular metabolic adaptation during leukemogenesis
Events — Virtual 24.05.2021 Instruct-ERIC course - Biophysics, structural mass spectrometry, and X-ray techniques
Events — Virtual 06.05.2021 Lecture: Mitochondrial respiration shields quiescent cells from oxidative stress
Events — Virtual 20.04.2021 On-line course in Micro-and Nanofluidics by Prof. Jeroen Lammertyn - KU Leuven
Events — EMBL virtual conference 24.03.2021 VIZBI 2021 - 11th international meeting on Visualizing Biological Data
Events — Virtual 18.03.2021 Lecture: SARS-CoV-2 RBD/in vitro/ evolution parrots and predicts contagious mutation spread
Events — Virtual 17.03.2021 CMS workshop: XDSkappa - diffraction data processing from laboratory instrument
Events — EMBL - Online 17.03.2021 Synthetic Morphogenesis: From Gene Circuits to Tissue Architecture - Virtual
Events — Virtual 16.03.2021 MICOBION Lecture: Insight into Amoebozoan encystation from Dictyostelium developmental control
Events — EMBL - Online 09.03.2021 Friend or Foe: Transcription and RNA Meet DNA Replication and Repair - Virtual